Das DTA ist ein Archiv für deutschsprachige, historische Textsammlungen an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Es umfasst annotierte Volltexttranskriptionen von
Short description of the project
The Hamburg Center for Language Corpora serves to promote the creation and use of digital language corpora in research and teaching. It sees itself as a competence center that builds and consolidates technical, methodological, and organizational expertise for working with language corpora. As a cooperative partner, the current team provides individual researchers and educators at the University of Hamburg with the necessary expertise for research and teaching tasks. In its work, the HZSK collaborates closely with the Hamburg Center for Sustainable Research Data Management.
Project content
The Hamburg Center for Language Corpora is a consortium of members from various departments and institutions of the University of Hamburg. It supports the advancement of computer-assisted empirical research and teaching in linguistics and related disciplines at the University of Hamburg and beyond. The primary goals of the HZSK are:
The Hamburg Center for Language Corpora sees itself as a competence center that builds and consolidates technical, methodological, and organizational expertise for working with language corpora. It acts as a cooperative partner, providing this expertise to individual researchers and educators at the University of Hamburg and beyond for research and teaching tasks. As part of emerging infrastructures that are intended to enable novel forms of access to and work with digital data resources, the HZSK ensures that resources available at and developed by the University of Hamburg can be connected to these infrastructures. In this context, the center aims for long-term cooperation with other centers, contributing services specific to Hamburg's profile and utilizing suitable services from cooperating centers in exchange.
Prof. Dr. Kristin Bührig
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Das DTA ist ein Archiv für deutschsprachige, historische Textsammlungen an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Es umfasst annotierte Volltexttranskriptionen von
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