Der Vergleich als methodisches und epistemologisches Paradigma ist in den Geisteswissenschaften tief verankert. Ob in der qualitativen oder quantitativen Forschung
Short description of the project
DARIAH-DE (funded 2011-2019) supports humanities scholars and cultural scientists working with digital resources and methods in research and teaching. To this end, the network is establishing a digital research infrastructure and developing materials for teaching and further education in the field of Digital Humanities (DH). The DARIAH-DE operational cooperation (2019-2021) continues these goals.
Project content
Together with successful initiatives in the field of DH in Germany
This goal does not only include technical tasks, but also concerns local and international activities, and above all is designed for the long term.
DARIAH-DE was conceived on the basis of the following guiding principles:
The German Wissenschaftsrat identifies a number of key areas that need to be considered when developing research infrastructures in the humanities, such as the “long-term archiving of research data with reference and citation options”, “uniform standards”, “linking digital data with metadata”, “interdisciplinary cooperation”, “use of research infrastructures in teaching”, etc. During its two and a half year preparation period, the ESFRI project DARIAH-EU identified these topics as relevant fields of action, which were realized in the subsequent phase of establishing a humanities research infrastructure.
Project team members
The start of the operational cooperation in March 2019 marked a new phase in the development of DARIAH-DE. 16 partner institutions have laid the foundation for the sustainable operation and thus the continuation of DARIAH-DE by concluding an operating cooperation agreement. The operating cooperation partners have different humanities and technical backgrounds. They include universities, libraries, computer centers, non-university research institutions, academies of science and commercial partners.
Many other institutions have participated in the development of DARIAH-DE as partners in the phases DARIAH-DE I-III (2011-2019) and are now part of the constantly growing network as former partners. Cooperation partners, associated partner projects and initiatives as well as the Memorandum of Understanding partners form another important part of this network. They use DARIAH services or develop them further within the framework of their own research priorities. Some of them are also connected to DARIAH-DE via national/international initiatives or projects that use the DARIAH infrastructure, such as EHRI and CENDARI.
Partner of the operation cooperation:
The project is coordinated by the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen).
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Der Vergleich als methodisches und epistemologisches Paradigma ist in den Geisteswissenschaften tief verankert. Ob in der qualitativen oder quantitativen Forschung
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The DARIAH-DE Repository is a central component of the DARIAH-DE data federation architecture, which aggregates various services and applications and makes them easy to use. The repository enables research data to be stored sustainably and securely, tagged with metadata and retrieved using the Generic Search. Research data can be imported using the DARIAH-DE Publikator.
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