Die im aschkenasischen Europa und Norditalien verbreiteten Pinkasim – Protokollbücher jüdischer Gemeinden – sind zentrale Quellen zur Erforschung der jüdischen
Short description of the project
The DARIAH-DE Repository is a central component of the DARIAH-DE data federation architecture, which aggregates various services and applications and makes them easy to use. The repository enables research data to be stored sustainably and securely, tagged with metadata and retrieved using the Generic Search. Research data can be imported using the DARIAH-DE Publikator.
Project content
The DARIAH-DE repository, a digital long-term archive for research data in the humanities and cultural studies, went live in December 2017. Each object described and stored in the DARIAH-DE repository is given a unique and permanently valid persistent identifier (a DOI), which is used to reference, cite and keep it available in the long term. In addition, the DARIAH-DE repository enables the sustainable and secure archiving of data collections. Data import is convenient and intuitive with the DARIAH-DE Publikator.
Further information on the DARIAH-DE Repository and the use of the Publikator as well as technical documentation and API descriptions of the individual repository services can be found on the documentation page of the repository server.
The DARIAH-DE repository is being further developed as part of the NFDI consortium Text+. It is currently (2024-2027) certified with the CoreTrust Seal.
Website: https://repository.de.dariah.eu/?lang=en
E-Mail: info@de.dariah.eu
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Die im aschkenasischen Europa und Norditalien verbreiteten Pinkasim – Protokollbücher jüdischer Gemeinden – sind zentrale Quellen zur Erforschung der jüdischen
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