Publikation der Daten zu Textzeugen des altägyptischen Totenbuchs aus dem Akademievorhaben „Altägyptisches Totenbuch“ (1994/2004–2012). Das 2012 veröffentlichte Portal bietet Beschreibungen,
Short description of the project
The Center for Music, Edition, Media (ZenMEM) is an academic institution of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Paderborn University. ZenMEM is a decidedly open association of academics and endeavors to jointly promote and establish new, digitally supported research opportunities in the field of cultural studies and to connect with international developments.
Project content
ZenMEM is a nationally and internationally visible center for digital music and media editions. It is significantly involved in the development and establishment of international music encoding standards as well as in the further development and provision of tools and infrastructure for the specialist community of digital music editing and for music publishers. It cooperates with national and international research projects in the field of digital music editing. Through ZenMEM, Paderborn University is part of the NFDI4Culture consortium (Consortium for Research Data on Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage) and is responsible for the development and sustainable operation of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). ZenMEM coordinates the participation of Paderborn University's projects in the KreativInstitut.OWL, a consortium of Paderborn University, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and Detmold University of Music.
ZenMEM's tasks extend to research, teaching and studies. The focus here is on innovative research, on academic and transfer-oriented cooperation with internal and external university stakeholders, on the qualification of young academics and on the transfer of knowledge in the field of digital music editing.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Münzmay (Geschäftsführender Direktor)
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kepper (Stellvertretender Direktor)
Peter Stadler (Geschäftsführer)
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Publikation der Daten zu Textzeugen des altägyptischen Totenbuchs aus dem Akademievorhaben „Altägyptisches Totenbuch“ (1994/2004–2012). Das 2012 veröffentlichte Portal bietet Beschreibungen,
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