Die drei von Text+ adressierten Datendomänen Sammlungen, lexikalische Ressourcen und Editionen gehören zu den klassischen Feldern geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Das Plus-Zeichen
Short description of the project
The Pinkasim – the minute books of Jewish communities – widespread in Ashkenazic Europe and northern Italy – are a central source for Jewish history and culture in the Early Modern Period. Previously contained spread across archives and collections in Israel, Europe and the United States, the communal Pinkassim were successively digitalized and made accessible on a webpage. The handwritten minute books, in Hebrew or Yiddish, which were maintained both by large urban communities as well as smaller communities in the countryside, sometimes for several generations, provide significant insight into the urban and rural Jewish life worlds between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.
Project content
The Pinkasim contain a rich store of information on the development of legislation and legal practice, as well as on nearly all aspects of social, economic and cultural history, along with the history of language and everyday life. As historical source materials still barely tapped in a systematic fashion, the minute books are thus in a position to further the better understanding of Jewish history and culture in premodern Europe to a special degree. On the one hand, on the basis of the Pinkassim, regional features and languages of Jewish culture extending over a longue duree can be researched. On the other hand, these source materials document the reticulation of interconnections the Ashkenazic communities had with the culture surrounding them.
In this context, the Dubnow Institute was participating in a digitization agenda in the field of Jewish Studies. From 2015 to 2019, in cooperation with the National Library of Israel and internationally prominent specialists such as Israel Bartal (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Gershon D. Hundert (McGill University, Montreal) and Adam Teller (Brown University, Providence), the Project gathered together the Pinkasim – the minute books of Jewish communities – widespread in Ashkenazic Europe and northern Italy – as a central historical source for Jewish history and culture in Early Modern Period.
Along with experienced scholars, younger academics in particular were closely integrated into the project, and there was ongoing promotion of intensive exchange between the disciplines. Regular international workshops and summer schools organized by the project served to train and network younger scholars in the field of Jewish history and culture of the Early Modern Period, facilitation a sustained, longer-termn involvement with Pinkasim as a Special genre of source materials.
Zülz – Jewish Community, 1792-1865, Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People;GA-Zuelz-Kge7-7.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Deventer
Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow
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Die drei von Text+ adressierten Datendomänen Sammlungen, lexikalische Ressourcen und Editionen gehören zu den klassischen Feldern geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Das Plus-Zeichen
Die Website schafft einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Zugang zu den Werkmaterialien des österreichischen Literaturnobelpreisträgers Peter Handke.
Das von der NRW Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste sowie der Union der Deutschen Akademien finanzierte Langzeitprojekt an der
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Im Zentrum steht die Erforschung digitaler, datenintensiver Medien, die sich auf breiter Front als kooperative Werkzeuge, Plattformen und Infrastrukturen herausgestellt haben und im Kontext ubiquitärer Verdatung durch Sensortechnologien und semi-autonom operierender künstlicher Intelligenz auf neue Weise virulent werden. In diesem Spannungsfeld leistet der SFB digitale Grundlagenforschung, die zwischen Geschichte und Gegenwart vermittelt und zukünftige digitale Medien gestaltet.
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