HGIS de las Indias ist eine historisch-geographische Datenbank zum Spanisch-Amerika der ausgehenden Kolonialzeit.
Short description of the project
The forTEXT Portal offers introductory, citable descriptions of methods and reviews of text collections and tools - from digitisation through annotation to interpretation and visualization of literary texts. Additionally, it provides materials for both self-learning and teaching.
As an extension of the portal, the website articles are being published in thematic issues of the open access journal series “forTEXT Hefte” since January 2024, aiming to further establish DH teaching and encourage the exchange between DH lecturers. To this end, open calls on DH teaching materials will follow as part of the forTEXT Hefte from summer 2024.
Project content
forTEXT offers the following content:
Evelyn Gius
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt
E-Mail: info@fortext.net
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HGIS de las Indias ist eine historisch-geographische Datenbank zum Spanisch-Amerika der ausgehenden Kolonialzeit.
Im Zentrum steht die Erforschung digitaler, datenintensiver Medien, die sich auf breiter Front als kooperative Werkzeuge, Plattformen und Infrastrukturen herausgestellt
Das Hidden Kosmos – Reconstructing Alexander von Humboldt’s »Kosmos-Lectures« widmete sich von 2014–16 der Ermittlung und Verzeichnung, Bild- und Volltext-Digitalisierung
VerbaAlpina widmete sich der Dokumentation der dialektalen lexikalischen Variation im Alpenraum innerhalb regionstypischer Konzeptdomänen.
Digital edition of the economic-technological encyclopaedia by J. G. Krünitz, published in 242 volumes from 1773 to 1858.
In Kooperation zwischen der Universität Hamburg und der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg werden die ca. 35.000 handschriftlichen Originalbriefe des Dehmel-Archivs
The DARIAH-DE Geo-Browser enables a comparative visualization of several queries and supports the display of data and their visualization in a correlation of geographical spatial relationships at corresponding points in time and sequences. This allows researchers to analyze space-time relations of data and source collections and at the same time establish correlations between them.
The project is preparing a new edition of the Frankish capitularies, which are among the central legal sources of the European Middle Ages. On the one hand, these rulers' decrees will be critically edited as individual pieces and published in their reconstructed form with translation in print; on the other hand, the collections central to the history of their impact and reception will be catalogued and made accessible to researchers in a digital edition.
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