DisKo steht für Diversitäts-Korpus und ist ein literaturwissenschaftliches Projekt mit Digital-Humanities-Komponente. Mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens wollen wir einen Algorithmus
Short description of the project
Dietrich online provides bibliographical information on approximately 5 million journal articles and newspaper articles published in the German-speaking world between 1897 and 1944 in an online database searchable by author name, title keywords, German-language keywords, journal or newspaper titles and year of publication.
Project content
The digital edition is based on the volumes of the bibliography of German-language journal literature published by the Leipzig publisher Felix Friedrich Dietrich (1874-1938). The bibliographical information listed there in abbreviated and formalised form under subject headings is read from the OCR-recognised pages using automated processes and transferred to an XML-compliant database. In addition to the bibliographic database entries, the original pages of the bibliography are made available to users of the online edition. Journal and newspaper titles are supplemented and standardised using the journal database (ZDB). Subject headings are classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and personal headings are standardised using the Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND). The ZDB ID number and a crowdsourcing module ensure that articles that have already been digitised and their links are added constantly. The project, initiated by Dr Hans-Ulrich Seifert, was funded by the German Research Foundation from 2014 to 2022.
Trier University
Dr. Hagen Reinstein
E-Mail: reinstei@uni-trier.de
Telephon: +49-651-201-4201
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DisKo steht für Diversitäts-Korpus und ist ein literaturwissenschaftliches Projekt mit Digital-Humanities-Komponente. Mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens wollen wir einen Algorithmus
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