Projektkategorie: Textdatenbank


VerbaAlpina widmete sich der Dokumentation der dialektalen lexikalischen Variation im Alpenraum innerhalb regionstypischer Konzeptdomänen.

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The project is preparing a new edition of the Frankish capitularies, which are among the central legal sources of the European Middle Ages. On the one hand, these rulers' decrees will be critically edited as individual pieces and published in their reconstructed form with translation in print; on the other hand, the collections central to the history of their impact and reception will be catalogued and made accessible to researchers in a digital edition.

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Peter Handke Notebooks

In einem langfristigen Kooperationsprojekt von Österreichischer Nationalbibliothek und Deutschem Literaturarchiv Marbach werden alle bis 1990 entstandenen 75 Notizbücher in einer kommentierten digitalen Edition erstmals veröffentlicht und frei zugänglich gemacht.

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Œuvres de Frédéric le Grand

Die digitale Ausgabe der Werke Friedrichs des Großen der Universitätsbibliothek Trier bietet eine XML-konforme und recherchierbare elektronische Volltextversion der von Johann David Erdmann Preuß zwischen 1846 und 1856 herausgegeben Werkausgabe sowie der von Reinhold Koser begründeten Ausgabe der Politischen Correspondenz Friedrichs des Großen der Jahre 1740-1782.

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The Heinrich Heine Portal is based on the work of several generations of researchers by combining the two historical-critical complete editions of Heine, which were produced independently of each other in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in one digital edition. 

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Die Website schafft einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Zugang zu den Werkmaterialien des österreichischen Literaturnobelpreisträgers Peter Handke.

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Dietrich online

Dietrich online provides bibliographical information on approximately 5 million journal articles and newspaper articles published in the German-speaking world between 1897 and 1944 in an online database searchable by author name, title keywords, German-language keywords, journal or newspaper titles and year of publication.

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The long-term project funded by the NRW Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Union of German Academies at the University of Bonn explores the script and language of the Classic Maya culture. It aims to document Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions in a database and to catalog the hieroglyphic language in a digital dictionary. Sources such as literature, archives, and photo collections are researched, processed in the virtual research environment TextGrid, and published online. Information and images of inscriptions are stored in an object database and in the "Maya Image Archive," an open-access repository containing over 15,000 images, freely accessible to users.

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The academy project has as its aim the philological analysis and the critical edition of ancient and byzantine commentaries, paraphrases, compendia and scholia on Aristotle’s works.

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