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Projektkategorie: Textdatenbank


The long-term project funded by the NRW Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Union of German Academies at the University of Bonn explores the script and language of the Classic Maya culture. It aims to document Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions in a database and to catalog the hieroglyphic language in a digital dictionary. Sources such as literature, archives, and photo collections are researched, processed in the virtual research environment TextGrid, and published online. Information and images of inscriptions are stored in an object database and in the "Maya Image Archive," an open-access repository containing over 15,000 images, freely accessible to users.

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The academy project has as its aim the philological analysis and the critical edition of ancient and byzantine commentaries, paraphrases, compendia and scholia on Aristotle’s works.

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Bibliotheca legum

The Bibliotheca legum aims at providing an overview of the textual production of secular law texts in the Frankish empire. Descriptions (according to TEI P5) of all manuscripts containing secular legal texts (leges) as well as other contextualising material are presented.

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Das Zusammenwirken von über 1,200 Projektbeteiligten aus über 50 Ländern ermöglicht eine umfassende Darstellung der „Urkatastrophe des 20. Jahrhunderts“ in

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DEMel Datenarchiv

Das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderte Projekt Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel) hat zum Ziel, der Öffentlichkeit ein lemmatisiertes

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Das MultiHTR-Team setzt die Ergebnisse der ersten erfolgreichen Projektphase (01. Juni 2020 bis 31. Mai 2022) fort, um in der

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