Das Fach ist BUA-finanziert und am Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik angelegt. Es fokussiert sich auf die Analyse des status
Short description of the project
The digital edition of Frederick the Great's works at Trier University Library offers an XML-compliant and searchable electronic full-text version of the edition of works published by Johann David Erdmann Preuß between 1846 and 1856 as well as the edition of Frederick the Great's Political Correspondence from 1740-1782 founded by Reinhold Koser. Other editions of works and individual works as well as works about Frederick the Great are included in the project.
Project content
The digital edition of Frederick the Great's works at Trier University Library provides an XML-compliant and searchable electronic full-text version of the edition of works published by Johann David Erdmann Preuß between 1846 and 1856 and the edition of Frederick the Great's Political Correspondence of the years 1740-1782 founded by Reinhold Koser. The 30-volume folio edition of the Œuvres de Frédéric le Grand printed by the Königliche Druckerei von Decker in Berlin and the 46 volumes of the Political Correspondence published by Duncker in Berlin between 1879 and 1939 served as the textual basis. Further letters of Frederick the Great from public collections and antiquarian bookshops are listed and made searchable with details of addressee, place of issue and date. In addition to the original French text of the edition, several German translations are offered as facsimiles or searchable full texts. The original French edition and the translations are interlinked at chapter level, so that it is possible to navigate directly from a French text passage to the corresponding German passage and vice versa. Important auxiliary texts for Friedrich research such as Franz Kugler's biography with Adolf Menzel's illustrations or Karl Heinrich Siegfried Rödenbeck's chronology have also been integrated as searchable full texts. All illustrations from the digitised works have been indexed and can be searched using keywords and subject headings. Other texts by and about Frederick the Great available in digital form are listed in an online bibliography. More recent editions and research findings are included in explanatory bibliographical notes.
Trier University
Dr. Hagen Reinstein
E-Mail: reinstei@uni-trier.de
Telephon: +49-651-201-4201
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Das Fach ist BUA-finanziert und am Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik angelegt. Es fokussiert sich auf die Analyse des status
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