Dehmel digital

Specialist allocation
Project category
01/2020 – laufend
Project start: 01/2020 - Project end: ongoing

Short description of the project

The project Dehmel digital aims at exploring the extensive correspondence network of Ida and Richard Dehmel and at making the results accessible successively. In cooperation with the Hamburg State and University Library (SUB), the approx. 35,000 original handwritten letters to the Dehmels and the Dehmels' archived replies, which are held in the SUB's Dehmel Archive, are being transcribed and catalogued in a semi-automated process using computational methods. The digital representation is intended to support various reading modes and scenarios of usage. The website offers an overview of the correspondence network, various entry options via graphic visualisations, quotations, indexes and faceted searches, which also serve structured and/or spontaneous close readings. The comprehensive provision of the data and models generated in the project can serve as a starting point for computer-aided follow-up research.

Project content

Digital scholarly exploration and presentation of the correspondence of the Dehmel Archive of the Hamburg State and University Library.

Faculty for Humanities, Hamburg University; Hermann Reemtsma Foundation

Prof. Dr. Julia Nantke

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Sandra Bläß, Marie Flüh
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