Das MultiHTR-Team setzt die Ergebnisse der ersten erfolgreichen Projektphase (01. Juni 2020 bis 31. Mai 2022) fort, um in der
Short description of the project
Text+ is a consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Text+ aims to preserve text and speech-based research data in the long term, initially focusing on data domains such as collections, lexical resources, and editions. Since October 1, 2021, Text+ has been funded for an initial period of five years.
Project content
The three data domains—collections, lexical resources, and editions—are among the classical fields of humanities research. The plus sign in the project name indicates that Text+ includes not only research data of textual media but also those of spoken language and multimodal data. Framing these three data domains is the Task Area Infrastructure/Operation (abbreviated as IO). IO is responsible for the basic infrastructure and interoperability of services and data, both within and beyond Text+.
Text+ is represented by the General Coordination: Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs (IDS Mannheim) and Prof. Dr. Philipp Wieder (University of Göttingen, SUB Göttingen)
Email: office@text-plus.org
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Das MultiHTR-Team setzt die Ergebnisse der ersten erfolgreichen Projektphase (01. Juni 2020 bis 31. Mai 2022) fort, um in der
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