HGIS de las Indias ist eine historisch-geographische Datenbank zum Spanisch-Amerika der ausgehenden Kolonialzeit.
Short description of the project
The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing e.V. (IDE) is an international association of scholars from various disciplines in the humanities who are affiliated with the Digital Humanities. The institute conducts research in various subfields of humanities and digital humanities, primarily focusing on the exploration, processing, and presentation of knowledge derived from the objects, documents, and texts of these disciplines. It advances the establishment, networking, and dissemination of relevant competencies in research and teaching and actively supports the development of Digital Humanities through consulting, committee work, event organization, training programs, software development, basic research, and the publication of its own publication series.
Project content
The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing e.V. (IDE) is a (virtual) association of researchers working on the application of digital methods to (historical) documents and texts. The institute was founded in 2006. Its members are involved in important international research projects. The Institute sees itself as a focal point for the application of IT technologies in the field of critical editing, i.e. the science of editing, and documentology, i.e. a science of the historical document that understands it as a physical object as well as a text carrier. In order to fulfil this task, the members participate in relevant current discussions through reviews and academic contributions, organise conferences, advise on forward-looking projects and train the next generation of academics.
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HGIS de las Indias ist eine historisch-geographische Datenbank zum Spanisch-Amerika der ausgehenden Kolonialzeit.
CLARIAH-DE ist ein Beitrag zur digitalen Forschungsinfrastruktur für die Geisteswissenschaften und benachbarte Disziplinen. Durch die Zusammenführung der Verbünde CLARIN-D und
GAMS ist ein OAIS-konformes Repositorium zur Verwaltung, Publikation und Langzeitarchivierung digitaler Ressourcen aus allen geisteswissenschaftlichen Fächern.
ELAN wird am Max-Planck-Institut für Psycholinguistik im Sprach-Archiv (TLA – The Language Archive) entwickelt. Es wird in der Programmiersprache Java
ZenMEM ist ein dezidiert offener Verbund von Wissenschaftler*innen und darum bemüht, gemeinsam neue, digital gestützte Forschungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Kulturwissenschaften
Der Arbeitskreis organsiert das #ArthistoCamp, die Schriftenreihe Computing in Art and Architecture und den #arthistocast – der Podcast zur Digitalen
The project is preparing a new edition of the Frankish capitularies, which are among the central legal sources of the European Middle Ages. On the one hand, these rulers' decrees will be critically edited as individual pieces and published in their reconstructed form with translation in print; on the other hand, the collections central to the history of their impact and reception will be catalogued and made accessible to researchers in a digital edition.
The Heinrich Heine Portal is based on the work of several generations of researchers by combining the two historical-critical complete editions of Heine, which were produced independently of each other in the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in one digital edition.