Arthur Schnitzler gehört zu den bedeutendsten österreichischen Autoren und war ein produktiver und gut vernetzter Briefschreiber. Seine Korrespondenz wurde jedoch
Short description of the project
GAMS is an OAIS-compliant repository for the management, publication and long-term archiving of digital resources from all humanities disciplines. The focus is on digital editions and TEI/XML. GAMS was first certified as a trusted digital repository according to the guidelines of the Data Seal of Approval in 2014. We have held the CoreTrustSeal since 2019. In 2020, GAMS was officially recognized as a CLARIN B Centre. GAMS is also registered with the Registry of Research Data Repositories and OpenDOAR.
Project content
GAMS (Geisteswissenschaftliches Asset Management System) is an OAIS compliant system for the management, publication and long-term archiving of digital resources from the Humanities. It enables scholars, researchers and students to manage and publish resources from projects with permanent identification and enriched with metadata.
Design and development of GAMS are carried out by the Centre for Information Modelling in cooperation with multiple partners inside and outside the university, with regards to the specific requirements of humanistic research.
The repository is fully OAIS (Open Archival Information System)-compliant and covers the full life cycle of digital objects from receiving the SIP (submission information package), archiving the AIP (archival information package) and delivering the DIP (dissemination information package) to the public.
With regard to the archived data we work towards the FAIR data principles: "data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable".
GAMS was first certified as a trusted digital repository in alignment with the principles of the Data Seal of Approval in 2014 and re-certified in 2019 with the CoreTrustSeal. In 2020, GAMS was officially recognized as a CLARIN B Centre. GAMS is also registered with the Registry of Research Data Repositories and OpenDOAR.
More information on e.g. strategies for data collection, access as well as preservation and persistence of data can be found here
A comprehensive list of published projects can be found here:
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Arthur Schnitzler gehört zu den bedeutendsten österreichischen Autoren und war ein produktiver und gut vernetzter Briefschreiber. Seine Korrespondenz wurde jedoch
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