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Arbeitskreis digitale Kunstgeschichte

Specialist allocation
Project category
2012 – laufend
Project start: 2012 - Project end: ongoing

Short description of the project

The Arbeitskreis Digitale Kunstgeschichte promotes the networking of people who develop, apply and theoretically reflect on digital tools and methods in the field of art history. We see ourselves as a platform for digital art history and invite all interested parties to participate. The activities of the working group manifest themselves in self-organised working groups, the annual #ArthistoCamp, a series of publications (in collaboration with, conferences and other event formats.

Project content

The working group organizes the #ArthistoCamp, the publication series Computing in Art and Architecture and the #arthistocast - the podcast on digital art history (with the support of and funding from NFDI4Culture).

Specialist allocation
Project category
Peter Bell, Lisa Dieckmann, Stephan Hoppe, Georg Schelbert, Holger Simon
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