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Executive Board

Prof. Dr. Evelyn Gius Bild
Prof. Dr. Evelyn Gius

Technical University of Darmstadt, 1st Chairwoman, Member of the Board since 2017, 2nd Chairwoman 2019-2022

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rabea Kleymann Bild
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Rabea Kleymann

Technical University of Chemnitz, DHd-AGs, Board member since 2022

Dr. Sarah Lang Bild
Dr. Sarah Lang

Center for Information Modeling, University of Graz, Promotion of Young Researchers & Scholarships, Board Member since 2023

Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch Bild
Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch

University of Trier, 2nd Chairman, Board member since 2018, 1st Chairman 2018-2022

Mag. Walter Scholger Bild
Mag. Walter Scholger

Center for Information Modeling, University of Graz, Treasurer, Board member since 2022

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wuttke Bild
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wuttke

Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Communication & Community, Board member since 2019

Members who have been co-opted onto the Board of Directors are

Dr. Ngoc Duyen Tanja Tu Bild
Dr. Ngoc Duyen Tanja Tu

Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, DHd als Community of Practice, seit 2023, kommissarische Schriftführerin seit 2024

Dr. Lisa Dieckmann

Institute of Art History, University of Cologne, DHd Conference, since 2019

Patrick Helling

Data Center for the Humanities, University of Cologne, Data Steward, since 2019

Former members of the Executive Board:

  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Burr (University of Leipzig, member of the Executive Board 2012-2022)
  • Peter Gietz (DAASI International Tübingen, board member 2012-2023, 2012-2022 treasurer, 2022-2023 comm. Scholarships)
  • Prof. Dr. Jan Christoph Meister (University of Hamburg, Board member 2012-2017, Founding Chairman, 1st Chairman 2012-2015)
  • Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin (University of Trier, Executive Board member 2012-2022, 1st Chairwoman 2015-2018)
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Stäcker (University and State Library Darmstadt, Secretary 2012-2015, 2nd Chairman 2015-2019)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Stolz (University of Bern, Board member 2012-2017)
  • Prof. Dr. Joachim Veit (Universität Paderborn, Vorstandsmitglied 2012-2022 und Schriftführer 2015-2022)
  • Dr.-Ing. Lars Wieneke (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Universität Luxemburg, Vorstandsmitglied und Schriftführer 2022-2024)

Former co-opted members:

  • Prof. Dr. Anne Baillot (Université du Mans, Representative for Review Process and Expert Activities, 2016-2019)
  • Dr. Mareike König (German Historical Institute Paris, Scholarships, 2019-2022)
  • Dr. Sarah Lang (Center for Information Modelling, University of Graz, Junior Researchers & Scholarships, 2022-2023)
  • Prof. Dr. Malte Rehbein (University of Passau, conference coordinator, 2014-2018)
  • Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch (University of Trier, 2016-2019)
  • Walter Scholger (Center for Information Modeling, University of Graz, OPR, 2019-2022)
  • Prof. Dr. Manfred Thaller (University of Cologne, 2012-2015)
  • Dr.-Ing. Lars Wieneke (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Universität Luxemburg, 2019-2022)
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