Applications for the promotion of measures of the DHd WGs
All officially confirmed WGs of the DHd Association can apply for funding. The Association provides an annual budget for this purpose depending on the cash situation (currently up to EUR 1,000.00 per WG and year). Applications can be submitted informally at any time by the convenor of the WG via the representative of the Executive Board (supervisor of the WGs). The Executive Board expressly welcomes projects that require pro rata funding or applications that demonstrate that other funding cannot be used for the measure described.
The Executive Board decides on the applications by circulation procedure, usually within four weeks or, in the case of more extensive measures, at an Executive Board meeting and on the basis of the available funds. The application should describe the project briefly (no more than one A4 page), explain its relevance to the work of the working group and include a cost calculation including a presentation of pro rata funding. All activities and measures relating to the direct work of the working groups are eligible for funding. This includes subsidies for printing costs, event costs for workshops, the assumption of travel and/or accommodation costs for experts for lectures, funding for student assistants, etc. The Executive Board expects that the funded measure will be reported on at the DHd's general meeting, that the association will be named as a sponsor and, if applicable, that its logo will be listed with the funding institutions.
If you are interested, please contact the supervisor of the AGs (Rabea Kleymann).