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Second Call for volunteers: ADHO Anti-Racism Task Force

Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is extending its call for participants in a new Anti-Racism Task Force. We have received a number of expressions of interest and are hoping to receive a few more before forming the Task Force. We have made an important change this new call: all members of the Task Force will have the opportunity to receive a one-time 500 Euro honorarium.

More information about that decision is available here.
The deadline to express interest is now 15 March 2022.
Please send questions to

Hannah L. Jacobs

ADHO Communications Officer

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DHd 2025: Call for papers

DHd 2025, „Under Construction. Geisteswissenschaften und Data Humanities“, Jahrestagung des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, ausgerichtet von der Universität

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