Der Vorstand des DHd-Verbands gratuliert Professorin Melissa Terras, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage, University of Edinburgh, herzlich zu ihrer Auszeichnung
Dear EADH members and community,
it is with great pleasure that I inform you that during the Executive Committee meeting, held in Venice on the 29th of June, the Exec members decided to elect Prof. Fabio Ciotti as Chair for a second term (2022-2025) and to extend the term of Prof. Elisabeth Burr as President by one year, in order to prolong her precious service to the Association in view of the structural changes that EADH will need to undergo in the near future.
I am honoured and excited to have the chance to serve our community and our organization in the next three years, and I look forward to fostering cooperation between the community and the Executive.
I also wish to express my personal gratitude and of EADH to Prof. Franz Fischer, the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) and the university of Venezia Cà Foscari for hosting the meeting in its prestigious venue.
Best regards,
Fabio Ciotti
EADH Chair
Fabio Ciotti
Department of „Studi letterari, Filosofici e di Storia dell’arte“ – University of Roma „Tor Vergata“
Chair, European Association for Digital Humanities
Chief Editor, „Umanistica Digitale“
Der Vorstand des DHd-Verbands gratuliert Professorin Melissa Terras, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage, University of Edinburgh, herzlich zu ihrer Auszeichnung
Liebe Mitglieder des DHd-Verbandes und Interessierte, für unsere interdisziplinäre Community ist ein offener Austausch von großer Bedeutung. Während die jährliche
Der Verband »Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.« ( schreibt fünf Reisestipendien zu je 500 € aus, die nicht an